Sunday, February 1, 2009

It only seems fair

So I finally came to the grips with the fact that I'm a "blog stocker." It's true! It only seems fair that if I stock other people through their blogs, I should probably update mine more than once every five months so that people can "blog stock" me too.

I thought about filling everyone in on what has happened the last five months, but that would just be boring. I'm starting fresh. This is a picture of me, my roomate Adrian and my brother Neal. We went to a BYU basketball game. It was great (except for the fact that they lost), but I got to pretend to be a die hard basketball fan and I did a pretty good job of faking my way through the BYU fight song. I definitely need more practice though. Thanks for letting us come down and see you Neal!!!!


Becky Smith said...

Oh my dear Stephanie! I am so happy that you have updated even if it is just a little bit! So what are you up to? I want to talk to you!!

Rachel said...

Thanks for the updates!! Looks like you had a great time!