Monday, May 10, 2010

Tender Mercies of the Lord

Tender Mercy #1

Last Monday as I was preparing my students for the end of level test that they have to take, I became extremely frustrated. I felt that they hadn't retained any of the information that we had worked so hard on the whole year, and I was sure that I had done nothing to help them learn. The next day I received a phone call from the radio station 106.5. They told me that they had recently had a contest to recognize "teacher heroes." Hundreds of people had submitted nominations and out of all the nominations they chose 20 to receive the award. The man from the radio station told me that I had been nominated and chosen to be one of the 20. At that moment the Lord was telling me that I was doing okay, that I was making an impact on my students (as small as it was).

Tender Mercy #2

During the same week, I had a "pity party moment" where I let the thoughts that Satan tries to put into my head get to me. I was upset about not being married and having three children, about not being pretty enough, smart enough or good enough. I'm not sure why I let Satan get to me, but I sometimes do. During one of my classes, the principal and vice principal came into my classroom. They congratulated me for receiving the award and then proceeded to tell me that the art teacher was retiring and that they wanted me to take his place. They told me that they were worried that the art program was dying and that they were confident that I would be able to inspire students to love art and build the program. Long story short, next year I will be teaching math on A days, and art on B days. This has been something that I have wanted since I took my first art class in college. Something that I didn't think I would ever be good enough to do, but that I really wanted. After they left, I sat at my desk and listen to the Lord tell me that I was good enough, and talented enough and that even though I wasn't married with three children that it was okay. He told me that it is all about timing and learning/growing along the way.


Wendy said...

Stephanie, Remember when we were roommates and you would ask me to borrow my car and you were so nice about it and I of course was happy that you would ask me that, because I knew that you needed it and I loved to share with you. Anyway, you would go to the elementary, or maybe it was the Jr. High and teach the students and you loved it and would come home and tell me about it. I knew then that you were a good one and this teaching thing was a great fit for you because you are just so happy and you love life and you LOVE PEOPLE. Well long story short, I'm not surprised you were nominated and chosen. I'm so proud and I know that you are a good one and too bad you already have your own house and live so far up north because we are looking for a roommate and your name has been thrown around, we affectionately call you "funny Steph" around our house. We need to hang out.

Michelle said...

Steph, you are so wonderful and I'm glad you are being recognized for it. The Lord has given you so many talents, one of those being the gift to inspire others to do good. I am so blessed to know you. Love you! keep up the powerful teaching!

Barbara Sue said...

Steph, you are so talented in so many ways. You are so ambitious too and have acheived so much in your life so far. I'm grateful that you are my friend, even though I don't see you as much as I want to. LOVE YOU STEPH!!!